Supporting Dairy Shrine is one of the best ways you can create a legacy that benefits current and future generations of dairy enthusiasts.
Dairy Shrine welcomes financial contributions in any amount, whether through one-time donations, annual gifts or estate provisions. Our organization has a strong track record of stewardship of our funds and resources.
In addition, Dairy Shrine depends heavily on volunteers to execute our many programs. We welcome donations of time and talent to help bring the Dairy Shrine missions to life. Email [email protected] to volunteer.

Youth Pillar: Support in this category will cover all youth activities, including:
- Supporting scholarships to college students
- Recognition with the young professionals program. This group includes dairy college students and young people in their first five years of their professional lives. Support of this group would include prominent recognition in all materials and events designed to engage with this group.
- Participation in the student luncheon. Companies can reserve a table at the event to engage directly with participating students and young professionals.
Preserving History Pillar: Companies here would support museum activities and have their support recognized by the more than 10,000 people who visit the museum annually. Support could include:
• Educational displays. This could include support of historical artifacts in the museum including potential artifacts from the company. This would also include reference in current modern management practices. Supporters would be listed near the area in which they support—i.e. nutrition companies near the nutrition exhibit, genetics near the genetics exhibit, etc.
• Special events and marketing. All museum supporters will be prominently recognized in the museum, on marketing materials and during special events, including virtual events.
Honoring Leaders Pillar: Companies within this pillar will support activities that honor current leaders
and build membership for Dairy Shrine. This includes:
• Award program support. This includes recognition within the Guest of Honor, Pioneer and Distinguished Dairy Cattle Breeder award programs.
• Recognition near museum hall of fame display. Companies supporting this program would be recognized near award winner displays in the museum
• Membership support. Within this area, sponsors would provide memberships to a specific group of individuals participating in programs to help build leadership skills. This could include memberships for all Dairy Challenge participants in the national contest, graduating seniors from a collegiate dairy science program, members of a board of directors, or any group affiliated with agriculture.

The National Dairy Shrine Museum continues to tell the great story of dairy to visitors. To support this goal we have started this exciting new program!
The Farm Plaque Program creates funds to cover improvements to the museum while providing a way to showcase great farms around the world. A farm will have the opportunity to purchase one of three display items in the museum. All proceeds will go toward upgrades and ongoing maintenance of the museum.
The three display options available for purchase include:
A listing of farms will be on display at the museum as contributors to the project. This will be a semi-permanent listing that will list the name of the farm and location.
Farm Plaque
A 6″ x 9″ wooden plaque will be put on display inside the museum. the farm logo or name will be etched into the plaque. In addition, a QR code will be etched into the plaque that, when scanned, will take the person directly to the farm’s website or social media page. If the farm doesn’t have a webpage or social media, the QR code will take the user to a Dairy Shrine website where a farm-supplied paragraph description on the farm will be available. The photo to the right is an example of what the plaque will look like.
Lifetime Farm Plaque
The same plaque as described above will be displayed in the museum indefinitely.